In a quiet area of Benidorm, next to Poniente beach

Hotel Carlos I in Benidorm has the perfect location for your stay. It has the advantage of being located in a quiet area but still in the centre of Benidorm, easily accessible. That is why it has a wide range of shops, leisure centres, bars and restaurants nearby.

Also, Hotel Carlos I in Benidorm is just 600 yards from Poniente beach. You can get to the hotel easily from any of the main roads that enter Benidorm. Near the hotel there is a taxi rank as well as city and intercity bus stops.

  • 38.542306º38º 32' 32.3016" N
  • -0.135571º-0º 8' 8.0556" W

By plane:

Alicante-El Altet Airport is located next to the city of Alicante, just 37 miles from Benidorm. Regarding communications with our city, there is a regular bus service that offers the option to travel quickly, comfortably and cheaply from Alicante Airport to Benidorm station and back. There are also airport-transfer services such as those offered by Beni Connect Transfers.

By middle-long distance bus:

On Avenida Jaime I, just 3 minutes from Hotel Carlos I, there is a bus stop from the Alsa bus company.

City bus line:

Bus Station Address: Paseo Els Tolls Nº 1. Phone: +34 96 683 00 14

Located in a magnificent location at the entrance of Benidorm, the new bus station complies perfectly with the functions for which it was designed. Easily accessible from the AP7 motorway (exit Benidorm-Playa de Levante), from the N-332 road or from the city centre, finding it will not be hard at all.

The excellent public-transport services such as city buses or taxis mean that you can get to anywhere in Benidorm easily and quickly from the bus station. More specifically, buses #3, #4 and #11 get to the bus station.

There is a regular bus service that links Alicante Airport with Benidorm and that leaves/arrives at the station itself as well as from Avenida de Europa. There are also private transfer services from the Airport that have more flexibility in timetables and destination points in Benidorm which you can hire in advance.

By train:

Travelling by train along the Costa Blanca is an option that our narrow gauge railway offers. From Benidorm., an intermediate point in the route, the visitor can go on interesting day trips.

The line from Alicante to Denia goes along the whole northern coast of the Alicante province for 58 miles and stopping in 40 stations. 13 diesel trains are used in the regular line between Alicante and Denia and 5 trams cover the route between Alicante and El Campello on the TRAM Metropolitano tram line.

From Alicante you can travel by train to anywhere in Spain. The train links our province with the rest of the country. If you travel on the train that links Alicante and Benidorm, you may want to know that the AVE (high-speed train) ticket includes this service for free. These trains leave every 30 minutes from Plaza de los Luceros in Alicante, just 5 minutes from the station. The destination in Benidorm is Avenida Beniardá with Calle de la Estación, just a 5-minute walk from Hotel Carlos I. For more information, check out the following website:

Airport transfers:

Beni Connect is a family-run company with headquarters in Benidorm (Alicante), which aside from day trips and circuits offers airport transfers throughout Spain, offering great quality in its services, comfort, security and all of this at competitive prices. They have been working in this field for many years and in airport transfers in particular.

They offer all types of airport transfers, from shuttles (individual sale by seat) to private transfers (taxis, groups of all sizes travelling together, etc.), giving guests that special touch that only family-run businesses can give, whether it is to regular clients or to new ones.


  • Av. Foietes, 6
  • 03502 Benidorm
  • Phone: +34 96 585 71 90
  • Fax: +34 96 585 46 45
  • Go to contact form

Nearby points of interest:

  • New Seafront Promenade of Poniente Beach. “2011 Award for Spanish Architecture”
  • Foietes City Sports Hall: athletics track, Olympic swimming and recreational pool, multi-sports courts, tennis courts, fronton, climbing wall, grass football pitch, bowls, etc.
  • Shopping area on Avenida Jaime I
  • Easy access to Terra Mítica theme park

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